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Great ideas on what to pack in a school lunch box from Nutrition Australia

Attitudes toward food are shaped during our childhood.

Gosh it is hard to keep our kids on a healthy diet, and it seems like a constant battle against advertisers, advertising, the sugar industry, fast food outlets. I heard a great expression the other day - unhealthy food is “sometimes food”. Love it!

Nutrition Australia says that active, growing children require good nutrition to build healthy bodies and to help them be the best they can be.

Did you know that many attitudes towards food are shaped during early school years, forming the basis for future eating habits?

Nutrition Australia gives some great ideas on what to pack in a school lunch box, it shows steps involved to ensure you can easily pack a healthy school lunch, see for yourself here .

So what is in a healthy school lunch? See Nutrition Australia’s suggestions for a healthy school lunch box here:

  1. A main item, such as a sandwich/wrap/roll, pasta with vegetables, soup, frittata or sushi.
  2. A fruit or vegetable snack, such as whole fruit, cut up veggie sticks, canned fruit in natural juice, a small salad
  3. A second snack based on a core food, such as reduced fat yoghurt, grainy crackers with reduced fat cheese, plain popcorn, a slice of raisin bread, a wholemeal fruit muffin, a boiled egg or a can of tuna.
  4. And a drink. A bottle of tap water is best, and plain UHT milk is also acceptable

They suggest a mix and match approach – a long way from the vegemite sandwich on white bread I had every day at school. See a great balance of the five food groups here.

Nutrition Australia is a non-government, non-profit, community based-organisation with offices throughout Australia. Nutrition Australia is an independent, member organisation that aims to promote the health and wellbeing of all Australians. They do not endorse Okikoki and we have no affiliation with them, we’re just spreading their great messages – good mums seek out good professional advice.